very very good. not enough child sacrifice, lizard world government conspiracies, and general eldritch monsters in the CEO route though.
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very very good. not enough child sacrifice, lizard world government conspiracies, and general eldritch monsters in the CEO route though.
he literally goes roblox sicko mode
was that freddie got fingered
u know it
great game so far, really enjoying the gameplay, graphics (LOVE ANDYL4ND .), & music. pretty well made all around!! godlike trio of developers
left & right walking animations during the yume nikki sequence only come up when using gamepad for me, very sensitive though and has to be almost exactly left & right on the thumbstick for it to not be up or down animation (on keyboard it doesn't show at all when pressind A or D). thought it was worth mentioning.
the guy who said this wasn't psychadelic is a stuck-up.
so i think i got the mechanics down, had some trouble with the first spike level and ESPECIALLY the second one. wall-jumping is really easy, but timing dashes while falling was too hard for me. the ring just falls too fast. i also think i accidentally skipped the opening cutscene? it said press any button, and i clicked space and then i was in the game haha.
i think it's pretty nice. more levels and obstacles would be for the better, as it is pretty short. music/sfx as well (maybe it was just missing for me? i have no idea. couldn't hear it). also, maybe make it fall a bit slower? i don't know, it maybe just was me who missed some mechanic besides the in-air dashing, bouncing and wall-jumping.
also, quick tip: if you dash diagonally up-left instead of dashing up, it works sorta like a double jump, and cancels out your downward momentum! i definitely would have preferred to make the game a little longer, but time constraints, and all. glad you liked it despite the hiccups!
fucking amazing, love the style so much!!! great job, great tracks.
hell fucking yes
really good, you've done it again my man.
goddamn it's really good.. hell yeah.
dang, cheers!
nosferatu flow
so babygirl
i thought it was PKMN = pikmin at first and i was very confused
Age 25, Male
Lund Institute of Technology
Joined on 1/2/19